"Snap out of it. Great things await."
Patty Richards
You can schedule and book a session right here on our site, or you can contact
us at sentecenter@mac.com.
In client sessions, Patty combines decades of perceptual training with her skill in coaching people to help you acquire new skills that improve your presence, your effectiveness, and your capacity to find, create, and sustain healthy relationships.
The purpose of a session varies according to your needs, interests, and circumstances. Sessions can address specific problems, such as relationships, professional decisions, or psychological issues. They can also explore your own capacity for expanded perception.
Individual sessions with Patty are powerful opportunities for gaining clarity, new skills, and new directions.
In a private practice and personal pursuit that spans
thirty years, Patty and Paul have between them performed
an estimated 27,000 individual sessions.
Sente individual sessions are by telephone and Skype. Three different types of individual sessions are offered:
1. General Observation and Reporting. Paul and Patty's remarkable skill in perception and articulation provide you with a highly detailed, useful map of yourself and your life direction. Your session is recorded and a link sent to you so you can re-listen to it at any time.
2. Coaching Relating to the Creation of Individual Practices. The coaching format was developed so that Paul or Patty can pay significant individual attention to people interested in applying Sente principles to their unique challenges and opportunities, and develop significant new powers and skills. The advent of video internet connections has also allowed highly specialized instruction in physical skills, such as Karate and other forms of movement. Coaching sessions can cover a wide range of subjects, such as developing concrete skills in relationship, perception, voice, planning, excellence in musical performance.
3. Sente Energy Work. Paul and Patty's energy work sessions are the crown jewels of the private practice. They apply a system, developed to optimize the energy, attention, and intent elements in the lives of our students and clients. It is a three-session process designed to foster basic energetic health and personal empowerment. Sente Energy Work yields remarkable, measurable changes in the lives of recipients, reducing reactivity, anxiety, and repetitive nonproductive life patterns. A Sente Energy Work series leaves you centered, grounded, and confident--ready for adventure, The process is cleansing, relaxing, healing, and extremely empowering, yielding measurable concrete changes in the lives of recipients, reducing reactivity, and opening doors for adventure and the exploration of healthy relationships, and aligned for success in meeting life challenges. It is ideal for participants in Sente classes as a way too clear out past patterns, and support more genuine personal motion. Prerequisites: A prior consulting session and clearance from Paul.
"I felt seen in so many ways. I recognized myself in your descriptions and depictions, and your words met an urgent and profound need to comprehend and clarify where I stand now. I am deeply moved when I re-listen to our conversation. I feel honored to have met you."
ND, Physician, MD